Waves tracks live
Waves tracks live

I'd have to use a tablet to mix from, which I hate with a burning passion. Less potential points of failure.Ĭons: Possible latency issues with FOH and monitors, possibility that the unity may outright freeze or crash.

waves tracks live

Pros: Less equipment to setup and manage. Scenario A: XR-18 handles both FOH/Monitors AND multitrack recording This may be more of me organizing my own thoughts, but here's how I'll break this down in my mind: As such, I'm prepared to take my own console with me to handle FOH and monitors while sending direct outs from each channel to the XR-18 for recording.

waves tracks live

I know this unit can be used for multitrack recording, so I'll be leaving my own interface at home (not going to move it unless I absolutely have to!) But I'm concerned about the XR-18's ability to handle FOH/Monitor mixing while simultaneously multitrack recording up to 16 channels of audio. The mixer provided by the "totally different venue" for this show is a tablet-controlled Behringer XR-18.

waves tracks live

I thought it would be interesting to offer live recording of shows as a service as well, so I've just landed a show where I'll both be mixing FOH and doing live multitrack recordings for two of the bands (a healthy weekend of pay, if I do say so myself).īut, this show is out of town and, consequently, at a totally different venue, so I'm going to be using different equipment than I'm used to. I work at a local venue as a sound engineer and also have my "studio business" on the side beginning to grow a bit.

Waves tracks live